Friday, January 30, 2009

Jan 30, 2009: Packing up

We are almost ready to go! It was a challenging job to pack up the supplies for the trip. We met tonight at Trinity to fill our footlockers and balance the weight so that each piece of luggage was under 50 pounds.

We want to thank North Raleigh Ministries for contributing two boxes of children's books to give to the Lagoon Road Baptist church. We packed and loaded seven footlockers on the church van ready for our 6:15 AM departure tomorrow morning.

It is going to be a great trip.

1 comment:

  1. My prayers go with you as you travel today. Just think, is few short hours you will be able to take those coats off as you arrive in Belize! I am excited to see what God has for Trinity to be a part of in Belize these next few years. Go with open eyes as you see God in the people of Belize as you have an open heart to hear God's voice throughout the week. Blessing of safety and good health ~ Roberta
